Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Through The African American Lens Seeking...

Leadership through the African American Lens: Seeking Understanding Through Racial Perspective Do male, African American leaders manage employees differently than their Caucasian counterparts in the business industry? This question begs an answer because the study of leadership is limited since it seldom examines contributions from other perspectives. African American contributions to assorted fields are often espoused during Black History Month, yet their collective experience fails mentioning in such an important discipline as, leadership. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African Americans comprise 13.2% of the population. Minorities will increase in the coming decades with the U.S. population becoming more ethnically and†¦show more content†¦Therefore, to reconcile this attitude, this paper attempts to establish evidence supporting the African American cultural lens assertion. Maltbia and Power (2009) implied that cultural lenses functioned like transition lenses in that they automatically performed when encountering certain triggers or under pressure. Ho wever, to begin this study, one must recognize that there is a lengthy history of discrimination and racism in America (Bonilla-Silva, 1997). The fabric of this country is indebted to the control, subjugation, and disenfranchisement of various peoples over the course of centuries. This inequality continues to affect, and systemically enforce racist and structural significance of â€Å"white† privilege. Although this advantage has produced wealth for this particular group, it has ultimately created problems, as well as indoctrinated, psychological issues for minorities. For instance, the United States was conceived from a democratic ideology, yet for centuries, those principles only applied to a select group of people (Rubin Boyer, 2013). However, this study does not intend to reeducate the audience on the cruelty or harshness of slavery or racism, but merely to develop the context for the main premise. This demonstrates that unfortunately, the impact of such a challenging past still affects the African American community in unforeseen ways. Fortunately, from this travesty, the means for invention, innovation, and discovery has flourished—so why

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